Our Mission

We are committed to Sustainable Development by ensuring improvement in “Environmental Quality” of National Capital “Delhi” through partnership with all Stakeholders.

Prevention of air, water and noise pollution and conservation of natural resources.

Continual improvement in our environmental performance, providing a better quality of life to Delhites.

Efficient and effective waste management practices to ensure that we reduce, reuse and recycle all types of Waste.

Improvement in workplace environmental quality by adopting simple energy efficient practices like CFL, solar water heating, natural lighting, green buildings low energy equipments etc.

Environmental awareness among all Stakeholders towards rain water harvesting, water recycling, composting, carpooling, use of metro and bicycles instead of petrol/ diesel vehicles.

Mitigate climate change by ensuring that carbon emissions are checked and reduced by every one, in their daily lives.

Compliance with all applicable legal and other requirements to ensure environmental protection.

Secretary(Environment & Forest) cum Chairman,
Delhi Pollution Control Committee